Saturday, April 21, 2007


Lauren, Bruce, and I will be boarding a plane to Dar es Salaam in a little over a month (May 29th) and it's been amazing to see God's hand in our trip thus far. Thank you to everyone who is supporting me! Thank you to those of you who are giving money and goods to the orphans and children we will be working with! I have found out that we will be working at a school called Wamato--I've read that it's right on the beach, and 450 children attend. The school is aimed at those who cannot afford an education, hence the population of orphans and street children. While we will help teach the children all subjects, we're also planning on doing some sort of "Vacation Bible School" and recreational activities. If you know of any good resources for VBS-type materials and info, please let us know! ...more blogs to come!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Gaskill Rascal said...

The Lamb by John Cross is a great teaching tool for children with or without bible knowledge. email me at if you want or need more info.