Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our new surroundings...

We went into the village today to teach the children and they were excited to have some people to pay attention to them. They ran up to the bus as we drove up, banging on the doors with huge smiles on their faces. To them, we are hope. We are education, games, hugs and occasional treats. We spent the first hour teaching in three rooms. I worked with the little ones- singing songs about numbers and trying to teach them to count to 5. There were over 100 small children there just sitting on a small, tattered carpet looking, playing with their friends and some were listening. They have never been to school and don't know how to sit and listen- not like my PDS boys =) (School here is around $3 for a semester which, unbelievably, is too expensive for most.) The second hour of the morning was spent just letting the kids play outside and hang all over us, playing with our hair, sitting on our laps, holding our hands, etc. It was a wonderfully draining couple of hours.
We went back to the school this afternoon to "tutor" children in the village who are able to go to school during the day. We taught them English and some simple math skills.
Afterwards, we walked to Bahari Beach, which is just down the road from where we are staying. I have attached a picture of two little boys who were bathing "in their birthday suits"! Even they wanted to play with us at the beach.
I have also attached a picture of the house where we are staying....
Much love from the three of us...


Anonymous said...

so glad to hear you have landed safely and are now "living your dream". i know how disapointed you must have been at first when hearing that teaching about Jesus was not part of the plan but knowing you and your talents, you will probably make it into a positive and make even more of a statement by youor example, it's just a different sort of mission. they through you "a pop quiz" and you passed with flying colors. God bless and i am so proud of you and you are right, you can never be too my test is to get this sent to you. jim got all the teck skills, this is my 2nd letter. love, aunt elizabeth and my best to bruce and jenny

nbrown said...

Lauren, you have been on my mind for days and I am so glad I have a minute to read about your trip. I know that your efforts are greatly needed and appreciated. I know that God is in every word you speak, every laugh you share and every game you play. You are in my prayers and I cannot wait to hear more about your experience. Take care, Noel

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Andrew and I will be praying for you in our nightime prayers. Enjoy the children because you are speaking truth into their lives just by loving them.
love you and miss you,
jessica violet dye

Shari said...

Hey Friend,
I am glad that you have landed and are on solid ground! I have been praying for you and my other favorite African traveler as often as I thought of you both....continually!
What a blessing! I bet I know who is leading the singing! I know they are in a trance listening to your beautiful, soothing voice!
I will keep checking in!
Love to you~Shari

Anonymous said...

So glad that you have arrived safe and sound and that you will enjoy your work with the children as much as they will love learning from you all.
Take a lot of photos and stay safe!! ss

The Hunger Ride said...

Lauren and Jenny-
Rockstars. That's all I've gotta say.....Y'all are rockstars. Keep us updated with the details of the
trip. Praying that God continues to use and teach you while you are over there. Thanks for having the courage to step out of your comfort zone do something really's an inspiration to all of us. And thanks again for helping out with last
Wednesday night.

Anonymous said...

Sister Mary!!!

I'm SO glad to hear you are there safe and sound!! My students and I are reading the blogs together (but we should be reviewing for exams). I love the pictures!! Please tell Jenny and Bruce I said "hi." Have a great day!!


Jennifer said...

I was JUST wondering how you were eating there when I read about your food experience! Keep trying the food---you're bound to find SOMETHING you will eat! I've had a few bad experiences here, but some really good ones, too. I'll be praying for you and the children!