Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Good news and bad news....

We had just arrived at school when I saw Mwadenny walking up crying his little eyes out. He was inconsolable for the first 30 minutes I was holding him. He was clinging to me so much that I had to forgo my teaching role this morning and other volunteers took over while I sat with him. He was more distraught than I have ever seen him. That precious smile, that I have shown you in pictures,was nowhere to be seen. He was very sad. Another volunteer noticed that his pants were hanging down a bit in the back, and as she went to pull them up, she noticed a scar. We looked on his back and it is covered with lesions, as is his bottom. I brought him to Grace, the social worker, and we took him behind the school to look further at his scars. He is obviously beaten. Grace and I were sobbing as we saw his tiny little body ridden with scars. We prayed for him and talked through some ways that we can help him. She said that she is come up with a plan for us to help this little angel.

I took Mwadenny back in to the supply closet and we read a book and I cleaned him up a bit. Gunda followed us in the room and stayed with us for a bit. A few minutes later, Mwadenny threw up. Before I knew it, I was cleaning him up and Gunda was helping! What a precious picture of loving one another! After that, I gave them each some biscuits to eat and water to drink before our walk home.

As we were walking the kids back home, I held Mwadenny and held Gunda's hand. I began to pass the time by singing our two songs that we repeat each morning. Gunda chimed in! I have never heard him talk- let along sing- before! I was really excited! I called Zenyeto, the teacher who has little patience for Gunda, over and let him hear all that Gunda was learning because we are giving him a chance. I hope we will continue to have successes like this to prove that Gunda can learn, if given the opportunity.

We went on our weekly trek into town to the grocery store. Thank you to those of you who contributed financially to this trip, as I was able to buy Mwadenny some shoes, underwear, clothes and lotion that I will give him tomorrow! (He has only two shirts, one pair of pants, doesn't wear underwear, and has no shoes.) I can't wait to dress him up tomorrow! I will be sure to take a picture and post it.
My friend, Maggie, took this photo during morning class. Apparently, I was the only one who didn't see it coming!
Some of the new things for Mwadenny!


Anonymous said...


I was so happy that Gunda was singing, that you were able to take time to tend to "denny", and that you are able to do a little shopping for these needy kids.

Keep smiling and caring.



Anonymous said...

Hey there Team...
Love you guys..and will be praying for you now i am back home...I miss the kiddos, but know you are doing a great job..i will be reading teh posts daily to stay up to date..say hi to the gang for me please..give the kiddos plenty of hugs, and take care!

Anonymous said...

Tears just came to my eyes as I read you all's entry today. I have seen kids get beat in Africa and it is very hard. I am SO glad you guys were there to be with him. I LOVE YOU GUYS and know I am praying with you all.
You are a light. Let it shine bright and lay your anger and confusion at the foot of the Cross.

P Daddy said...


Spend whatever you have to take care of Gunda. I will cover it all--every penny. If he needs clothes or just a nice meal, then spend it and I will cover it. If he needs a private tuotr I will pay for it.
It makes me so mad that Gunda is being taken advantage of that I want to fly over and kick someone's rear end. The little boy who is being beaten also needs to be rescued from the situation. If I need to wire money over for Gunda then let me know. Keep up the good work. I feel so bad for Gunda as he is a true underdog.
Thanks for blogging. I check it every day. The injustices in Africa on both a micro and macro scale only further undescore what a fortunate situation we have here in America.

Anonymous said...


Is that Mwadenny in your lap? I LOVE the picture. I, again, am so proud you! It takes great strength and courage to do what you, Jenny, Bruce and the other volunteers are doing. I hope you have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Ok Lauren Struthers - now you've really got me! How the heck do I wire you $$ to get these kids some threads?