A couple of the volunteers have done a great job cleaning out the closet we have in our classroom. We have found several coloring books, crayons and other art supplies. So, we decided that during "play time" today, we would give the kids the choice to play outside or stay in and color. They went bananas! They loved coloring! I even saw one of the adults from the village, who sits outside while we teach, take a coloring page and smile the whole time she worked on it. I wonder if she has ever colored before.
A funny side note- this will take us back to the public "restrooms" with a hole in the ground. We drink a lot of water around the volunteer house- it is so hot and we are so worn out that we need to stay hydrated. I have to admit, though, before we head somewhere I make sure that I have not had anything to drink for quite a while because I am so phobic of the "squatty potty" as I have termed them. I thought I might share a photo with you of one such "bathroom" below. Keep in mind that this is the fanciest potty like this that we have seen.
We just ogt in from dinner with some of Jenny's friends that live here. It was such an amazing time, I will have to write more about that tomorrow.
Click on the link below to see some footage of the kids learning our "Good morning" song that we sing at the beginning of each day.
I check the website ALL THE TIME hoping for updates! Today I bragged about you at school and people were in such awe of what you are doing! They also comment on how "stunning" you Jenny and Bruce are! Anyway, I'm printing out pictures for people to see!! Please try and get more video! I LOVE it!!! Take care and tell Jenny and Bruce I said "hello."
"squattie pottie", i'm glad i saw the "fancy room". the children looked soooooooo happy coloring and i could not believe how they sat, sang and clapped. you have accomplished so much just getting their attention to sit all together and THEY HAD SUCH A FUN TIME!!hats off to you my three muskateers!! it sounds like you're enjoying them as much as they are you. life is GREAT, AND SO ARE YOU! LOVE, aunt elizabeth
Hey Lauren! I loved the picture of the potty! We had those in Ukraine and it is very tricky to keep your feet dry, if you know what I mean! I have loved reading about all your adventures!
Laurin Maddux
Coloring...who doesn't love coloring?! I know those kids loved it!
I have to give a "shout out" to Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan and Elizabeth -- I love reading your comments...you guys are great! Hope to see you all soon. :)
Mas videos, por favor! Now THIS is reality TV.
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