Monday, June 4, 2007


Today was our "first" day of school, in a sense. We made up a list of school rules , acted them out, and repeated them in English and Swahili.. They did a great job! We are working with Zenyeto to teach him how to teach the kids, as he was a fisherman until a few weeks ago. He is really a "natural" teacher and is doing a great job. He would translate what I would say and work with me to teach all 170 kids this morning. I taught them the "Good morning" song that we sing in Junior Kindergarten and, after some repetition and clapping, they really got the hang of it! It is precious to hear them singing it, knowing that they understand what they are saying. Then, we introduced a few colors, the ABC song and counted up to 20. These kids are smart and want to learn, we just have to be thoughtful about our teaching strategies and I have faith that things will go well.

Jenny and Roxanne, another volunteer, noticed that a little one (in a Tinkerbell costume, no less) had many blisters on the bottoms of her feet that were infected. When they were cleaning her up with alcohol wipes and bandages, Jenny said she barely flinched. Sadly, she probably walks through town without shoes on, stepping on all sorts of things, so she must be used to feeling the pain.
Working to clean up little "Tinkerbell's" feet.
I don't know if you can tell, but this little girl is wearing an eyeliner-type make up. Many of the little Muslim girls that wear these head coverings also wear dramatic eye make-up.
A little one wearing traditional African garb.
What a joyful little guy!

Here is a quick idea of what our play time looks like.

Thanks for following along!


Anonymous said...

I hope you can find Tinkerbell some shoes. My heart goes out to these kids and yet so many smiles. You folks are doing great.

Maggy said...

The children are adorable. Thanks for the photos and videos. I hope Tinkerbell's feet will heal soon. It seems like things in the school system are improving every day.

How are your quarters? Have you found some food that is more appetizing?

Love to you and all the volunteers.

Anonymous said...

seriously. you guys are amazing!!! and can i just kiss all of their faces off? wow....i am headed to bogota, colombia tomorrow, but wanted to comment before i left...i love you guys so much and i am praying for your journey. you are not leaving a dent, but an incredible mark on each and every life you encounter. what a blessing to know you. be His aroma....

The Hunger Ride said...

I guess the main question that we need to be asking ourselves right now is this: "Is it necessary for Zero the Hero to fly to Tan-Town and bring some b-pops for the kids?" You just let me know and I might be able to arrange it! Hey---you guys are doing great.
Good times, Good times.

cbfrazee said...

Helllllllllllloooo!!! I have had sooo much fun reading your stories! Lauren, I can just picture your expressions and see your hands flying as you tell them!!! Keep them coming! I have been lifting you all up - let me know how I can specifically pray for your team! ... it sounds like you are making an impact!

Can't wait to hear these stories in person!

Courtney said...

Who's the other Courtney that posting on here? There's only room for one... :)
--Pelirroja Courtney

Anonymous said...

The blog was great! All the New York contingent read it yesterday and was amazed at what you are doing. We are glad that you got a little break by going to Zanzibar. We all agree with you -- the women are amazing. Be well and safe. Bob, Belle and the N.Y. cousins