Saturday, June 2, 2007


It was a busy Saturday. We are in the process of revamping the school and plan to begin our curriculum on Monday. We have a very motivated group of volunteers that have spent a lot of time talking about how we can make this school the best it can be and we think that it needs a fresh start. (What a treat to be with other people who are willing to use even their weekends to work with the best interest of the kids in mind.) So, on Monday we will begin by teaching the letter "Aa" and see how the kids do. If they are ready for "Bb" and a review of "Aa" on the second day, we will do it. If not, we will wait and review some more.

So, this morning, we went to the school to repaint the chairs that the children sit on. They are very rusty and dirty. We want the kids to have pride in their school so they will, hopefully, see our time with them as if we are teachers and not just there to play. Some of the kids just want us to play with them and hold them (which we do in the second hour of school each day) but since they don't really understand the concept of "school" they are not prone to sit and listen. We are all under the impression that, if these kids don't learn English they will never be able to run a business because this is such a tourist-driven economy. So, we are really interested in making this as much a "school" as it can be.

After several hours of organizing the closets, supplies, sanding and painting the chairs we went home for lunch.

Soon thereafter, a few of us- including Jenny, Bruce and me, went to the market nearby. We looked for school supplies to buy, but ended up with a few souvenirs as the school supply store has closed. While there, I had to go to the bathroom. Not a good move. Let's just say that it was not a "Western style toilet" it was literally a hole in the dirt with a door and a light bulb hanging. I told Jenny that I think I can officially be called "hard core" after that experience!

Here are some pictures of our work today and some friends that came to the school unexpectedly. (There were several chickens that came by, and a cow from next door walked on over to help "mow" our soccer field!)


Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying being in Tanzania with you!!! What a trememdous undertaking, but I am sure it will be successful! Loved the "Western toilet" story! Hope the kids can progress though the alphabet with you!
Thinking of you! Love, MC

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an improvement you made on the chairs! Lauren, I know you picked the color! I agree that taking the school environment seriously will have an impact on the kids' incentive to learn.

Anonymous said...


I have some painting for you to do when you get home. Great idea to make the facilities better for the kids. Enjoy the weekend.



Anonymous said...

Thx for writing the blog. It's great to read about what you're doing. Have a great time! -- Stephanie

The P Daddy said...

Hey Lauren, we all want to know the answer to a very important question: Where was the toilet paper located?


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Lauren! I am Aunt P, Jenny's "crazy Aunt". I am printing out the entire blog to take to my Mom, who has no computer. We are fascinated, delighted, overjoyed that you are all finding your African visit so rewarding and that you are in a safe environment. Many thanks to our merciful God for having all of you in his vision for his people.

Can you let Jenny know I'm trying to correspondend with her, please? I am a dunce with the computer and can't find any "instructions" that will enable me to direct mail to her - so you are my messenger.

You are all in my prayers.

The Lord be with you.

Paula Parker

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jenny! Is that the cow Madison and Claire gave me for Christmas?

Autn P