Friday, June 29, 2007

Our last day at school.

Since today is Friday, it was game day at school. Jenny did a great job planning and implementing their first obstacle course. The kids really enjoyed it, the teachers and volunteers did, too!
Here is some footage of Jenny in action with the kids!

It was a sad goodbye to be sure, but it is wonderful to see the fruits of our labor. Sitting back and realizing that they now have a set curriculum, the kids love coming to school and the teachers are better able to do things themselves, is very fulfilling. Here are some last shots of us with our friends that we will never forget. Knowing that these kids are held by God, I believe they will be taken care of long after we leave.

Jenny & her two favorite friends:
Siri (L) and Twalibu (R)

We've mentioned before that older siblings are very responsible for their little brothers and sisters. The boy on the left brought his little brother to school today. He held him, played with him and loved every minute of it. Jenny and I continue to think that is a major thing that the Africans could teach us....

This is what I like to call my "Where's Waldo?" shot...
When we walk through the crowd of children to sit down, several stand up and follow us so they can be held, touch our hands or just be near enough to us for a smile. I will miss that.

Aziza looking good in her new sunglasses. The kids loved these!
Thanks Mom, Dad & Elizabeth!

We made the cover of the Dar es Salaam paper!
Maggie and I didn't even know that someone from "The Citizen" was taking pictures when we were in the Mwenge market on Sunday. Another volunteer spotted it and sent it our way. The attached article was about tourism. I wonder how they knew we weren't locals?!


Kimberly said...

Safe travels. I can't wait to here even more. Your next trip will have to be to S. Carolina.

Anonymous said...

what an adventure - have loved being armchair traveler w/you all..have safe travel home and know you have made a difference to the kids and all whom you have also touched w/blog...xo Ann

aunt elizabeth said...

as you will miss the children, so will we.what am i going to do without the blog???????guess i'll have to send REAL emails!!thank you for doing such an incredible job on your blog. you had it all, the joy and the sorrow the sensitivity and the humor, all this and pictures too!! safe trip home with all your wonderful memories and accomplishments. they should give you much peace. God bless, love, aunt elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Nice run Jenny, I am impressed! Looking forward to seeing you in Memphis in a few weeks.

Save trip back -- Mission Accomplished!

Anonymous said...


Hello from Tampa! I have LOVED being a part of your trip! Have a very safe trip home!
